Building a home is a complex orchestration of thousands of detailed tasks. We don’t want you to worry about all those details.
ZeroNet Home streamline the entire design and build process starting from the day you call us, until the day you move in.
The advanced, elite development and process of ZeroNet Homes results in reliable, system-built homes.
We take factory-built parts to the project site and install them in half the time and significantly lower cost than similar stick-built homes.
ZeroNet Homes are built on the basis of location and track specifications and assembled at the site under the complete oversight and review of representatives of the local construction department.
ZeroNet Homes are well-designed, built-to-last, sustainable, practical, smart, durable, easy to maintain and update
Factory Built Homes
Modular construction is like the home-building industry’s hybrid car. Such homes are saving money and making sense.
Modular homes are in many ways superior to stick-built homes and can not be distinguished from their traditionally built counterparts once assembled.
Our modular construction process begins in a state-of-the-art manufacturing facility, making it possible to produce homes that are much “tighter” than those built on site.
These homes usually operate more efficiently than a conventional site-built home at least 15 percent.When we deliver it to your home site, the home comes complete 80-90 percent. The home is assembled, connected and finished in Lego ®-like fashion. The modular construction process provides a custom home within stringent manufactured tolerances with the drywall, flooring, cabinetry, plumbing, and electrical completed in a quality-controlled weather-tight environment.
Modern modular homes may take on a traditional home’s appearance or take on the look and style of the most trendy architecture of today.
Our ZeroNet Home Builders, all handpicked.
ZeroNet Homes don’t just happen, they’re built by a ZeroNet Home Builder. Our ZeroNet Home Builders are handpicked to join our
team based on the evident strength of ethics. Each ZeroNet Home Builder is a member of the professional body of state-licensed
bonded contractors. This expertise is then enhanced with ZeroNet Home’s intelligent construction training to provide you with the
best building experience that our nation can offer. As one team in both the North and South Island, we take your ZeroNet Home
from concept to reality.
Built to last
From beautiful natural exterior claddings to internal finishes, every component of ZeroNet Home is chosen to excel in longevity. Each of our building components is selected for their ability to endure what are often harsh environments – letting you breathe a sigh of relief knowing that your investment will stand the test of time.
Less maintenance, more living
While your neighbors are making repairs on the weekends, you’ll be making the most of your day. ZeroNet Home is built to require less maintenance right from the start. Work with our designers to select naturally preserved timber or a stone for a durable facade. Get high thermal performance that you’ll never have to replace with ZeroNet Home’s aluminum-clad, German L2 timber joinery or our US made, L1 unplasticized PVC or thermally broken aluminum joinery. From the beginning your ZeroNet Home is designed for maximum performance, less maintenance, and less hassle.
Cold feet? Not in my house
Ever wondered why you could feel the wind blowing while you’re sitting at your kitchen table with all the windows closed? ZeroNet Home’ is built airtight so you’ll never feel another uncomfortable draught in your home again. A layer of protective membrane snuggly wraps the entirety of a ZeroNet Home, sealing the intelligent construction, reducing air leaks by 8 times. With 8 times less heated air escaping your house, you’ll live in a home with minimal heat loss, constant temperatures throughout your spaces, and 8 times fewer cold-feet-complaints.